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Asian Parents 亞裔二代这样看父母 (Joy Chang 提供) (09/15/13)

 soooo funny!

Complete List: Things Asian Parents Do


Amassing large quantities of grocery and shopping bags
Asking for multiple free totebags/drawstring backpacks at every event
Asking your kid multiple times how to upload photos on email or Facebook
Asking your kid to configure all home electronics
Asking your kids for help and calling them “useless” after they volunteer
Asking your kids to explain what’s happening in an English movie every 5 minutes


Believing your kid will be raped/murdered/kidnapped if she sleepovers a friend’s house
Bragging about your kid’s ivy league college to family/friends
Buying a digital SLR camera and not knowing how to use it
Buying a new cell phone and not knowing how to use it
Buying a ton of lottery tickets


Calling your kids fat
Collecting assorted utensils and napkins from fast food places
Collecting ceramic figurines and displaying them in a glass cabinet
Collecting condiment packets and assigning a kitchen drawer for them
Comparing you to other people’s kids
Criticizing & publicly scolding your kid as a favorite pastime


Get you to start your own business


Having a large collection of slippers available
Hoarding hotel toiletries


Imposing curfew at sun down (no matter what age)
Insisting your kid not to buy you Mother’s or Father’s day gifts


Judging your kid’s friends..


Leaving original plastic wrapping on furniture


Making your kids order for you at non-Asian restaurants


Never explaining “the Birds & the Bees” to your kids
Never saying “I love you” to your kids
Never turning down free food samples at Costco
Not knowing how much to tip on a restaurant bill
Not knowing how to hang up/end call on their smart phone


Providing two months worth of cooked food when visiting your kid at college
Purposely starving oneself before a buffet dinner


Re-gifting gift baskets given by their non-Asian friends
Reminding your kid that a nursing home is not an option


Setting up your kid on a date– solely based on the person’s resume
Storing extra pots and pans in your oven
Swiping free water bottles, pens and/or keychains at any event or conference


Taking multiple blurry photos of the same stationary thing
Thinking that seatbelts are unnecessary when sitting in the backseat of the car
Threatening to ship your kid back to the motherland
Threatening your kids that they will work at McDonalds


Using a dishwasher as a drying rack


Watching “Dancing with the Stars” or any other singing-based competiton